1945年出生于以色列的帕尔曼,从小即显露他对音乐的异禀天赋,四岁时罹患小儿麻痹从此不良于行,但也就是从那年他开始学习小提琴。十三岁随团至美国巡演而后迁居纽约,及长入茱莉亚音乐学院事名师狄蕾女士与葛罗米安。十八岁首次于卡内基音乐厅的演出一鸣惊人,从此晋身国际级名家之列。时至今日,帕尔曼早已是当代最顶尖的小提琴代言人,技巧、音色与心灵情感皆少有与他匹敌者。Israeli violinist Itzhak Perlman is known for his brilliant technique, direct interpretation and precision in detail. He has an international reputation as an outstanding violinist of the 19th and 20th century repertoire. At age four, he lost the use of his legs due to polio. Shortly after that he began violin lessons at Shulamit High School in Tel-Aviv. By age ten he was performing in concerts and recitals with the Israel Broadcasting Orchestra. After winning a talent competition to appear on American television, he obtained scholarships and awards that allowed him to stay in New York and study at the Juilliard School with Galamian. He made his professional debute at Carnegie Hall, and in 1964 he won the Leventritt Memorial Competition. These accomplishments led to engagements with many American orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic. Perlman toured his native Israel in 1965, performing concerts throughout and made his British debut in 1968 at Festival Hall with the London Symphony Orchestra. He participated in the London South Bank Summer Music Series in 1968-9 and created a master class in violin at Meadowbrooks Festival, USA, in 1970.