姓名Lost Frequencies 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言法语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Belgian producer Felix de Laet is quickly gaining recognition for producing a new and intuitive style of quality music. It’s hard to believe that he began producing in earnest just 3 years ago, after getting his very first MacBook Pro. Growing up in a musical family, Felix played piano alongside his brothers from a young age. Never one to settle in place, de Laet takes his inspiration from hip-hop, to jazz, to drum and bass. He listens to everything and lets his broad taste inform his musical decisions.
He loves to incorporate the old (Lost Frequencies) into exciting remixes, and this love quickly turned into the need to produce original compositions. With several upcoming tracks on Armada and strong YouTube support, the breakthrough of Lost Frequencies is at hand.
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