Shardad Rohani相似歌手

姓名Shardad Rohani 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Shardad Rohani(夏德·罗哈尼)是现今世界上最具才华的作曲家和指挥家之一,他是美国著名的电影作曲家兼洛杉矶交响乐团的音乐总监及指挥。曾以一张《爱之美》横扫全球乐坛,1995年亲率交响乐团为雅尼(Yanni)在雅典巴特农神殿现场演奏中担任指挥、编曲的工作,所录制的专辑跃登Billboard排行榜冠军。With an international reputation as a conductor and composer, Mr. Rohani is one of the most sought after, successful conductors on the music scene today.Educated at the Academy and Conservatories of Music in Vienna, Austria, Mr. Rohani has been the recipient of several important scholarships and awards both in Europe and United States. These include the A.K.M Scholarship, Vienna, Austria, and the ASCAP Scholarship, Los Angeles, California. Mr. Rohani is the music director and conductor of the COTA symphony orchestra in Los Angeles. He has appeared as a guest conductor with a number of prestigious orchestras including, the London Royal Philharmonic concert orchestra, Minnesota Symphony orchestra, Colorado Symphony, San Diego symphony, Indianapolis Symphony, New Jersey Symphony, Zagreb Philharmonic and the American Youth Symphony and others.Mr. Rohani conducted an open-air concert with the London Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra in the Parthenon, Athens, Greece. This concert was acclaimed by both critics and audience and became the most widely viewed program ever shown on Public Television in United States.In December of 1998 Mr. Rohani was commissioned by the government of Thailand and the committee of the 13th Asian Olympic Games to compose and conduct the music for opening ceremonies. The composition became the most popular song of the Asian Games. Mr. Rohani has recorded several classical CD's with the Slovak Radio Symphony orchestra for Discover/Koch International including the Tchaikovsky Ballet music which received raging reviews by the media including the Intune Magazine in Japan.In 1999 Mr. Rohani received the Thailand's Pikanes award, the country's most prestigious music award for an outstanding orchestral performance. The award is considered the highest artistic achievement. Mr. Rohani is especially well known to the world for conducting film music
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