姓名Rainy Milo 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Rainy Milo is a British recording artist, born in south-east London; she began her career singing with local musicians and arts collectives when she 14.
A physical collection of my influences .
Milo was born in south-east London of British and Guyanese descent, During Milo's childhood she tried to surround herself with inspiring people, Milo started singing with local musicians and arts collectives when she was 14. "There was so little of that where I lived; an area which gave little hope to anyone, it's almost like they were told that they had a crappy fate and were willing to just go along with it, Milo went to Harris Academy South Norwood until the end of year 9 when she went on to study Musical Theatre at the BRIT School
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