姓名Alice Glass 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Alice Glass (born August 23, 1988) is a Canadian singer. She is best known as the lead vocalist and songwriter of Crystal Castles.

Alice Glass was born in 1988 in Toronto, Ontario. At the age of fourteen she ran away from home to live in a squat community of punks under the name Vicki Vale, yet continued going to school, dropping out before she graduated, and also started an all-girl crust-noise band Fetus Fatale. After seeing Glass perform with Fetus Fatale, Ethan Kath, impressed by her performance, gave her CD-Rs with 60 instrumental tracks of which she chose 5 to write vocals for. Alice Glass and Ethan Kath went to a recording studio to record the 5 songs and unknown to the band, the microphone check before the session was secretly recorded by the engineer, who later presented the band with a CD-R with 6 tracks. This 6th extra track was discovered by London UK's Merok Records who went on to release the track as the band's first vinyl single, "Alice Practice", despite Glass not knowing the track existed or what it sounded like, and named for the fact Glass was just doing soundchecks prior to starting her intended recording session.
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