姓名Alice Boman 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


The signing of Alice Boman was kind of a coincidence. Adrian Recordings just had an intense spring with a lot of releases and had no plans on signing anything new. Then a local sound engineer from “Studio Mollan” gave us a record with Alice which he thought we should listen to. We did and time just stopped.

The first EP from Alice is called “Skisser” (means “Sketches” in Swedish) because that is exactly what it is. It was released in May 2013. The EP contains songs which Alice recorded in her home, just for her to remember and they were never meant to be heard by anyone, Alice sings with as much force as fragility, a Billie Holiday for the 21st century, without the jazz.
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