姓名Azam Ali 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
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Azam Ali 出生在伊朗,四岁后到了印度,在那里她接受了11年的印度音乐与文化的熏陶,1985年,她随其母亲移居洛山基,很快,便开始学习弹奏santour 琴。她跟随santour琴大师Manoocher Sadeghi学习了五年,之后开始歌唱生涯。同时她还是著名的两人团Vas的vocal,并曾在Angels of Venice的专辑里献声。 Azam一直对早期音乐有着浓厚兴趣,尤其是Hildegard Von Bingen。“记得当我第一次听到Hildegard Von Bingen的圣歌时,真的因敬畏而感到颤栗“,她回忆当时的情景,”那声音如钟铃般穿行,撞击着我的心弦,却象我的灵魂一样熟悉。这让我感到尽管不同的文化孕育着不一样的声音,但人们对音乐本质的渴求,对上帝的歌颂,却能唤起同样的情绪。“她的歌声受到印度与波斯的歌唱家 Laxmi Shankar,Asha Bhosle, and Sima Bina, 黎巴嫩歌唱家Marie Keyrouz以及早期音乐的歌者Emily Van Evera的影响。同时,由于成长环境的潜移默化,她词曲风格接近波斯民谣与印度祷歌。Azam Ali was born in Iran but spent most of her early years in India before moving to the US in the mid eighties. She is a vocalist of astonishing diversity with a range covering music from the mediaeval European to the classical Eastern - Persian, Lebanese and Indian.In November 1995, along with Greg Ellis, Ali formed Vas, producing four albums: Sunyata (1997), Offerings (1998), In The Garden Of Souls (2000), and Feast of Silence (2004). In 2002 she released her first solo album, Portals of Grace, which saw her expand her repertoire even farther and prove her to be equally as adept in singing in 13th century French-Provençal, Galician and Ladino as she is in Arabic.In 2005, Ali worked on a new project called Niyaz with solo artist Carmen Rizzo and Axiom of Choice member Loga Ramin Torkian. Its self-titled album, Niyaz features Ali’s vocals sung in Urdu and Farsi, backed up by more electronica-style music.In June 2006, Ali released her latest solo album, Elysium For The Brave, where she includes English singing in her repertoire. Element.observe("wikiReadMore", "click", function (event) { if (Element.hasClassName("wikiSecondPart", "wiki_continued")) { Event.stop(event); Element.removeClassName("wikiSecondPart", "wiki_continued"); Element.remove("wikiReadMore"); } });