姓名Lee Oskar 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Lee Oskar 李·奥斯卡1948年生于丹麦,6岁开始学习口琴演奏,18岁时单身赴美开创自己的音乐天地,后因邂逅ERIC BURDON(著名美国乐队[ANIMALS]的领队)而加入 [WAR] 乐队,并创作了多首脍炙人口的流行金曲,其乐队发行的唱片屡获销量排行榜的黄金奖和白金奖,与此同时,Lee Oskar 先生亦作为10孔口琴演奏的领军人物而活跃在欧美乐坛,并于1976年在由美国三大音乐专门杂志发起的著名演奏家评选活动中荣登榜首。而后,他的音乐在日本亦掀起流行热潮,并被众多知名的电视广告片作为背景音乐而更广泛的流传,其中,专门为日本著名化妆品公司“资生堂”的广告片创作的乐曲“相约之地”成为流传最广、风靡一时的经典金曲。同TOMBO公司合作、Lee Oskar 先生自己创意开发的4大系列10孔口琴产品现在已远销世界40多个国家和地区,并倍受世界各国著名演奏家的喜爱和青睐。

Harmonica player and vocalist Lee Oskar was a charter member of War in the late '60s, when the West Coast group first backed Eric Burdon and later went out on their own. His extended wailing solos became a vital part of War's funk/rock/Latin sound in the '70s and '80s. He made two undistinguished fusion albums as a leader in the '80s and though he remained a part of War, Oskar made his solo debut in 1976 and recorded several albums of solid pop-jazz, R&B, and fusion, among them 1978's fine Before the Rain and 1980's My Road, Our Road.