姓名Jon Thurlow 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Jon Thurlow and his wife Kinsey live in Kansas City, Missouri, where they both serve on staff at the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC). IHOPKC is an evangelical missions organization that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God’s power and purpose in the earth. At the core of everything that goes on at the IHOPKC missions base is the Prayer Room, a place where we never cease worshiping the Lord and interceding for our world. In September of 1999, IHOPKC launched 24/7 worship and prayer which has continued to this day. Jon first came to IHOPKC in 2004 to attend Fire in the Night, a three-month nightwatch internship. After spending three months in the Prayer Room from midnight to 6am, he joined an IHOPKC “daytime” worship team. He now serves as a primary worship leader at IHOPKC, leading a team of singers and musicians in 6 two-hour sets per week. (click here to watch Jon’s sets on IHOP-KC’s webstream)

Jon began leading worship as a teenager. At age seventeen, the Lord stirred in him a desire to use music to draw people’s hearts into the Lord’s presence. Jon believes that the essential purpose of music should be to move our hearts closer to the Lord, and to magnify His awesome name, giving Him the praise and glory He rightly deserves. Jon is passionate about creating music that will be an onramp for people to connect with the heart of Jesus. Many of Jon’s compositions have been birthed spontaneously while leading worship in the Prayer Room. One of his more recent songs “Storm All Around You” originated unplanned during a daily worship set. Through the years, Jon has made the description of God’s throne in Revelation chapters 4 and 5 a consistent, personal meditation during his prayer time. This song erupted from the history of time spent in these particular passages. Other songs birthed in the Prayer Room include “Jesus You’re Beautiful” and “Things Are Not Okay.” While singing on a worship set one morning, Jon found himself reaching to connect with Jesus in the midst of the routine and mundane. In this reach, he began declaring the Revelation 1 descriptions of who Jesus really is… “I know that Your eyes are like flames of fire. I know that Your hair is as white as wool. I know that Your voice it sounds like waters. Jesus, You’re beautiful!” In that moment of reaching to connect with the Lord’s heart, “Jesus You’re Beautiful” was written. “Things Are Not Okay” defines the posture of heart we as Jesus’ Bride seek to possess. Until Jesus returns and is here among us again, in the flesh, things are not okay. Jon and his wife Kinsey are thankful to be a part of the movement of worship and prayer that is spreading across the earth. With anticipation they look to the day when every knee will bow before Jesus, every mouth will confess His lordship, and every song will declare His praises.