姓名Faded Paper Figures 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Faded Paper Figures的开始,就像所有的伟大事业一样,一开始只是副业,写写歌只是作为主唱兼吉他Joho和吉他兼键盘Kael,对他们自己审美观的一个新认识,起初只是两三首歌,一直都在kael的卧室制作,后来,事情变得冠冕堂皇起来,是乎令他们都有些不信,最后Heather的到来,使他们的音乐加入了美丽的和声,就这样完美的融合在一起。 Faded Paper Figures met in early 2007. The genesis was at a party in Irvine, California, where John Williams and Kael Alden were discussing music. Kael was composing music for TV and film with his older brother's company, Robot Repair.John already had some experience as a musician and songwriter. Both full of ideas for a new sound, they decided to record some material together. Over the next few months they wrote and composed a number of songs, experimenting with blending traditional guitar with electronica. The songs went up first on a new MySpace page under the name of Machine Discourse. Heather Alden joined in as a harmony vocalist, rounding out and softening the band's sound. Not long after the band's name changed to Faded Paper Figures, and with a growing song list and a mounting audience, the band's sound solidified. NPR described their first album as "a balance of upbeat and soothing electronics," but their recent music has taken on a more energetic tone, with live drums sounds mixing with electro-beats.The Band is also currently recording new music and preparing a music video