姓名Hey Monday 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Hey Monday是一支摇滚乐队来自佛罗里达州,成员有Cassadee Pope(主唱)、Jersey Moriarty(贝司)、Mike Gentile(主音吉他)、Alex Lipshaw(旋律吉他)、Elliot James(鼓手)。Hey Monday是近来比较优秀的一支女声流朋乐队, 签约于哥伦比亚唱片公司旗下Decaydance唱片公司, 成为Fall Out Boy, Panic at Disco, The Academy Is...等的同门师妹, 也是Decaydance旗下继The Hush Sound后的第二支女声乐队.他们的首张专辑于2008年10月7日正式发售.他们歌曲里洋溢着轻快活泼的旋律, 势有赶超Paramore的决心,歌曲也比paramore明快些,主唱的声音没Hayley williams成熟,但更巨张力和磁性.他们首张专辑《Hold on Tight》于2008年10月7日发行。乐队近期已为Homecoming摄制首支MV。乐队主唱Cassadee还与The Cab合作录制了歌曲“Take My Hand”的Remix版本,此曲收录于Fall Out Boy的Mixtape《Welcome to the New Administration》中。Led by powerhouse vocalist Cassadee Pope, Hey Monday lace their infectious emo-pop with alt-rock guitars and slick studio production. The band formed in West Palm Beach, FL, where Pope was first discovered at a regional music conference. Although still in high school, the singer drew attention from A&R execs with her vocals, which often recalled the radio-ready wails of Avril Lavigne and Paramore's Haley Williams. She then formed a band with fellow teenagers Jersey Moriarty (bass), Elliot James (drums), and guitarists Mike Gentile and Alex Lipshaw. Shedding their original name ("Blake") in favor of Hey Monday, the group won over A&R exec Jay Harren, who signed the band to Columbia Records. Hey Monday then entered the recording studio with S*A*M & Sluggo, the production team behind albums by Metro Station and the Academy Is...., and readied the release of their debut record. Hold on Tight arrived in October 2008 under a joint partnership with Columbia and Pete Wentz's vanity label, Decaydance.