姓名John Cage 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重





文/约翰·凯奇 (JOHN CAGE)





因为在这一新音乐当中,除了声响外,什么都没发生。那些被记下来的和那些未被记下来的声响。那些未被记下来的声响在写下的音乐中以沉默无声的形式出现使音乐的门向那些刚巧在那一现场中的声响打开,这种开放性在现当代雕塑和建筑中就有。Mies van der Rohe的玻璃屋,反映着它们的环境,根据情况不同,向眼睛展示云彩,树或草的形象,而当我们观看雕塑家Richard Lippold用线穿在一起的构成时,还能看到别的人,假如他们碰巧在那里的话,我们不可避免地会通过电线网络,看到的东西,决没有像一个空的空间或空的时间那样的东西,总有什么可看,可听的,哪怕我努力去制作一个沉默,也办不到。出于某种工程上的目的,越无声越好,这也许是可取的。这样一个房间可被称作一个无回声的房间。它由非凡材料制成的面墙构成,一个没有回音的房间。几年前我就在哈佛大学进过这样一个房间,并听到两种声响,一高,一低。我向主管工程师描述这两种声响,他告诉我,那高的一个,是我的神经系统在运作,那低的一个是我循环中的血液。到我死之前都会有声响在那里。而且它们还会继续跟着死去的我。我们不必害怕音乐的未来。

真是惊人的巧合,制作这样音域广泛的音乐的手段目前已到我们手中,二战未盟军进入德国时,发现那儿磁带录音已有巨大进步,可作音乐的高保真录音。先是法国,那儿是Pierre Schaeffer在起这个劲,后来是在美国、德国、意大利和日本,我可能都还不知道,在其他地方,磁带已不光能录音乐演出,而且由于它,还能制作出新音乐来,最少只要两架磁带放音机,就可以以如下方法制作音乐:1)可对任何声响作单个录音,2)在录音过程中,通过过滤器和线路,任何音下的声音都可被更改,3)电子混响(在第三架机器上对另两架上发出的声音进行混合),4)普通的剪辑使任何或所有的声响的并置成为可能;当它包括非同平常的剪辑时,它就会像重录那样改变任何或所有的原来的物理特征。使这些成为可能的手段,根本上是一种完全的声音——空间,其界限只有耳朵才能限定,这一空间中的每一个非凡声音的地位由五个因素来决定频率或音高,振幅或音量,泛音结构或音色,持续时间和音乐形态(音如何开始、继续和消失)。但这些决定因素中的任何一个更改都会改变在声音空间中的声音的地位由五个因素来决定:频率或音高,振幅或音量,泛音结构或音色,持续时间和音乐形态(音如何开始,继续和消失)。但这些决定因素中的任何更改都会改变在声音空间中的声音的地位。这一完全的声音空间中的声音的地位。这一完全的声音空间中的任何一点上的声音都能移动,成为任何别的一点上的一个声音。但只有当我们愿意激进改变自己的音乐习惯时,才能利用这些可能性。那就是说,我们可以不在远地里作可见的移动——这相当于说“电视”的方式(假如我们不想去剧院而愿意呆在家里),或者,假如我们愿意放弃步行,那就去飞行——就能利用这些象的显现。










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The most influential and controversial American experimental composer of the 20th century, John Cage was the father of indeterminism, a Zen-inspired aesthetic which expelled all notions of choice from the creative process. Rejecting the most deeply held compositional principles of the past -- logical consequence, vertical sensitivity, and tonality among them -- Cage created a groundbreaking alternative to the serialist method, deconstructing traditions established hundreds and even thousands of years earlier; the end result was a radical new artistic approach which impacted all of the music composed in its wake, forever altering not only the ways in which sounds are created but also how they're absorbed by audiences. Indeed, it's often been suggested that he did to music what Karl Marx did to government -- he leveled it.

Cage was born in Los Angeles on September 5, 1912, the son of an inventor who posited an explanation of the cosmos called the "Electrostatic Field Theory." Later attending Pomona College, he exited prior to graduation to travel across Europe during the early '30s; upon returning to the U.S., he studied in New York with Henry Cowell, finally traveling back to the West Coast in 1934 to study under Arnold Schoenburg. Around this time Cage published his earliest compositions, a series of Varèse-inspired works written in a rigorous atonal system of his own device. Relocating to Seattle in 1937 to become a dance accompanist, a year later he founded a percussion ensemble, composing the seminal polyrhythms piece First Construction (In Metal) in 1939.

During the late '30s, Cage also began experimenting with musique concrète, composing the landmark Imaginary Landscape No. 1, which employed variable-speed phonographs and frequency tone recordings alongside muted piano and a large Chinese cymbal. He also invented the "prepared piano," in which he placed a variety of household objects between the strings of a grand piano to create sounds suggesting a one-man percussion orchestra. It was at this time that Cage fell under the sway of Eastern philosophies, the influence of Zen Buddhism informing the random compositional techniques of his later work; obsessed with removing forethought and choice from the creative model, he set out to make music in line with the principles of the I Ching, predictable only by its very unpredictability.

Cage's work of the 1940s took a variety of shapes: where 1941's Imaginary Landscape No. 2 was a score for percussion which included a giant metal coil amplified by a phonograph cartridge, 1942's Williams Mix was a montage of over 500 prerecorded sounds, and 1944's The Perilous Night was an emotional piece written for a heavily muted prepared piano. The latter was composed for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, for which Cage served as musical director from 1943 onward; his collaborations with Cunnigham revolutionized modern dance composition and choreography, with the indeterminacy concept extending into these works as well. By the end of the decade Cage's innovations were widely recognized, and in 1949 he was honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship and an award from the National Academy of Arts and Letters.

Cage's most visionary work, however, was still to come: in 1951, he completed Imaginary Landscape No. 4, which limited its sound sources to only a dozen radios, with the end result dependent entirely on the broadcast material at the time of performance. That same year, he collaborated with a group of performers and engineers to mount the Music on Magnetic Tape project. Next, in 1952, pianist and longtime associate David Tudor premiered Cage's 4'33, known colloquially as "Silence"; the composer's most notorious work, it asks the performer to sit at his instrument but play nothing, the environmental sounds instead produced by a typically uncomfortable audience. Concurrently, he delved into theatrical performance (a 1952 performance at Black Mountain College widely regarded as the first "happening") and electronics (Imaginary Landscape No. 5, composed for randomly mixed recordings).

In the wake of 1958's watershed Concert for Piano and Orchestra -- a virtual catalog of indeterminate notations -- Cage continued to immerse himself in electronics as the years went by, most famously in works like 1960's Cartridge Music, for which he amplified small household sounds for live performance, as well as 1969's HPSCHD, which combined harpsichord, tapes, and the like. He also turned to writing, publishing his first book, Silence, in 1961, additionally teaching and lecturing across the globe. Elected to the Institute of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters in 1968, he also received an honorary Doctorate of Performing Arts from the California Institutes of the Arts in 1986. Cage died in New York on August 12, 1992.