姓名John Barrowman 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地英国苏格兰Mount Vernon Glasgow
语言英语 性别
生日1967-03-11 星座双鱼座
身高185cm 体重


John Barrowman最早投身音乐剧,在大学期间就凭借音乐剧《anything goes》 年少成名。此后他成功出演及主演过多部优秀作品,有音乐剧小天王之称。JB在演艺事业的发展方向十分广泛,在继续出演音乐剧之余,他开始担任电视节目主持人,并拍摄电视剧,参演电影,录制音乐专辑,出版自传等;又因性格开朗言词幽默经常获邀出席各种脱口秀节目,而被更多的观众所熟悉。随着英国BBC出品的《神秘博士(Doctor Who)》及衍生剧《火炬木小组(Torchwood)》的热播,他在剧中饰演的Jack Harkness上校赢了众多FANS的追捧,这为他事业带来的新高峰,发展版图也从英国扩大到美国,加拿大等地。

by Evan C. Gutierrez
Vocalist John Barrowman is one of few musical theater personalities to make a successful foray into a recording career. Though many on Broadway release a record at some point in their careers, seldom are they met with chart success and longevity. Barrowman was born in Glasgow but raised in Illinois. Throughout his high school years Barrowman performed in musicals, setting him on the path he would follow in college and beyond. Throughout college he worked as a performer at Opryland in Nashville before he landed a role in London playing Billy Crocker in Anything Goes. This would be the first of several leading roles for Barrowman. He starred in U.K.-based productions of Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera, Hair, and more. While developing a reputation as a West End star, Barrowman also developed a presence on British television. It was his TV acting that brought Barrowman back to the States, as he was featured on the CBS series Central Park West. The path that would lead him into the recording studio began with The Magic of the Musicals concert series, performing Broadway classics backed by internationally renown orchestras. Barrowman shared the stage with the Boston Pops, the London Symphony Orchestra, and the National Symphony Orchestra, to name a few. His debut full-length record, Reflections from Broadway, was released in 2000. The record that followed, Swings Cole Porter, earned him a slot on Billboard's jazz charts. Maintaining a busy theatrical career throughout, Barrowman continued to make his mark on the recording industry with the release of Another Side, which enjoyed a lasting presence on the British charts.