姓名Alice Caymmi 别名暂无
国籍葡萄牙 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


CAYMMI ALICE was born in Rio de Janeiro, is 22 years old, is a singer-songwriter and composes since 10 years.
He started singing on stage at age 12 with her aunt Nana Caymmi in Canecao and electric trio of Margareth Menezes in Bahia in the same year. Made many visits to the other show his father Danilo Caymmi and greatest experiences were the closure of the Pan American Games in 2007 which deleted the pyre singing with his father and Dorival Caymmi Sound Special Brazil in 2008 which involved singing the solo 'Neither do I. 'and' Saturday in Copacabana 'in partnership with his father again. Held in the first half of 2012 season two months in Seed in Lapa, did show at Espao Cultural Sérgio Porto, the Little Theatre Café at PUC-RJ and other places.
His first recorded song 'Ruby Diamond' was released on the last disc of his aunt Nana Caymmi 'Sparing heart. In April this year just sang this song with your Aunt Nana in VIVO RIO for 2000 people. Alice is studying Performing Arts at PUC-RJ.
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