姓名Sophie Milman 别名暂无
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继2004年一鸣惊人代表作、个人首张专辑「苏菲·蜜儿」(Sophie Milman)席卷全球广受各界好评,荣登各大畅销排行榜轻松超过十万张的销售佳绩,苏菲·蜜儿(Sophie Milman)一跃成为新生代的爵士小天后,是当今全世界歌坛最受欢迎的女声之一!在过去的三年时间里,除了但任蒙特娄爵士音乐节(Montreal Jazz Festival)封面人物的殊荣与纽约JVC爵士音乐节的压轴演出,苏菲·蜜儿开始了全球上百场的售票巡回演唱会,足迹遍及欧美英日等各地、票房爆满长红!2007年的秋天,苏菲·蜜儿与她的专属乐团受邀前来台北、高雄、香港、广州、上海等五地演唱;饱满高亢如丝缎般美丽的歌声,优异的现场演唱功力,甜美清秀佳人充满着异国浪漫的性感,精通英、法、俄与犹太文等四种语言,苏菲·蜜儿兼具美貌与实力,是近年来加拿大进军全球乐坛最耀眼璀璨的新生代爵士女声! Jazz vocalist Sophie Milman is a sophisticated and torchy singer with a bent toward American popular songbook standards. Born in Russia of Jewish heritage, Milman spent much of her childhood in Israel, where her parents moved after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the early '90s, Milman's family emigrated once again to Toronto, Canada. Having sung from a young age, the then teenage Milman was already familiar with such iconic vocalists as Ella Fitzgerald, Mahalia Jackson, Stevie Wonder, and others. In 2004, a chance performance at "Real Divas" night -- a local Toronto jazz series -- brought Milman to the attention of producer Bill King, who then secured a few showcase performances for the burgeoning star. Subsequently, Milman signed a recording contract with Linus Entertainment and released her self-titled debut album. Make Someone Happy followed on JVC in 2007.
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