姓名Chad Mackey 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


For those who don’t know me, my name is Chad. I am a 27 year old songwriter from Weaverville, NC, which is 11 miles north of Asheville. I am also a dad of 2 beautiful little boys, and the husband of an amazing, talented, and gorgeous woman. For that, I consider myself lucky.

The earliest song I remember writing was a 50 second rap song about Michael Jordan when I was in the 2nd grade (watch a short video of me performing the song here). Yes, I still remember it. Thankfully, my writing has improved since then. However, I didn't fully dive into the craft of songwriting until the age of 15. That's when I wrote my first complete song that I thought was good. Since then, I have written well over 100 complete songs. That's not counting the 500+ songs I've started and never finished. If I start writing something that's not working out, I'd rather move on to something else. I find that I am more of an inspiration writer, which means if I don't write unless I'm inspired. I don't sit down and write unless I already have sweet hook in mind.

I started pursuing a career as a performing singer/songwriter when I was 18 years old. That is when I cut my first album of songs I had written over a few years. This was about the time I went off to college in Charlotte, NC. When I got to Charlotte (2006), I had no idea how to network and get noticed in the music scene. It just kind of happened. During my 4 years in Charlotte, I went from playing in front of a Starbucks window to playing in larger renowned venues with a full band and began growing a small fan base. In 2009, I moved back to my hometown of Asheville and got married. I was so sure the Asheville music scene would welcome me with open arms. That didn't exactly happen. I was still doing a little touring regionally at the time, but by the time things began happening with my music in Asheville, my wife and I decided to bring a Mackey baby into the world. In August 2011, Baylee was born. I was still able to play shows about once a month after he was born on top of promoting, writing and recording. Then, one night I was playing a bar in Charlotte; It was about 11pm and I was suppose to be rocking out with my band... but all I could think about is how I missed my kid's bedtime that night. That was the last gig I played with my band. Since then, we have brought our youngest, Avery, into the world, and I try to make the most of family time, as any dad should.

Even though I stopped focusing on the touring thing, I still write as often as I can. Today, all I want to write are country songs. I often find myself scanning the radio for country stations and thinking how badly I want to hear a song I wrote spinning on those stations one day. You can see from where I grew up and currently live, that I am definitely not a city boy... but I don’t own a truck (yet), I like cowboy boots, but I don't wear them (I'm more a sandals kind of guy), I don’t hunt (ever... I don't even like killing ants), and I don’t live on a farm. So, why am I writing country songs? Because I love country music. It’s that simple.
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