姓名Grant Terry 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重



Less is more can be a true statement about a lot of things but NOT when it comes to acoustic pop artist, GRANT TERRY. Each song from his new CD \"Perfect Mess\" leaves you coming back for more. With his catchy hooks and heart-felt lyrics, you will not be disappointed! If you haven’t seen this Louisiana native in concert, drop what you are doing and check out his tour dates because his live show is something to see. The intimate setting of his shows makes them very different from most. It\'s easy to feel connected to his songs. Not only do his songs speak volumes to listeners, but also he puts on a great show! At any show, you will find Grant out meeting people before and after. Most importantly, not only does he have a passion for music, but a passion for people as well. His ability to connect with his fans through his music makes him truly stand out! ..


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