姓名Grant Nicholas 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Grant Nicholas (born 12 November 1967) is a Welsh musician, best known as the lead singer and lead guitarist of the rock band Feeder. Nicholas was born in Newport, South Wales but grew up in Pwllmeyric, near Chepstow. He was educated at Monmouth School. He performed in public for the first time at the age of 11 at school, and gained four O-levels (now referred to as GCSEs), including an A grade in Art.

In school, Nicholas played the trumpet, and was in his first band, Sweet Leaf (named after a song by Black Sabbath, who were Grant's favourite band in his school years, and the first he saw play live, at the Colston Hall in Bristol). He was promised his first guitar by his parents, as an incentive to pass his exams. He received the guitar, an Aron Les Paul copy after passing them.
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