姓名Satin Circus 别名暂无
国籍芬兰 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Satin Circus is an extraordinary boy band in every way. The band writes their own music and also play all the instruments! There's not enough happy music in the world, so Krippe, Axel, Paul and Olli decided to do something about it! Satin Circus's sound that has been perfected throughout the years is a unique mix of pop, rock and Beach Boys harmonies. The band is currently recording their debut album with international top-producers Patric Sarin and Peter Mansson. You're in for something completely different: international, happy, super-energetc pop music performed by young talented musicians!

Satin Circus's speciality is their amazing live performance that combines talented playing, great singing and a mind-blowing show!! The pure joy of making music can be seen, heard and felt by everyone in the audience! Satin Circus is at home on small unplugged venues as well as on huge arenas. This band has to be seen live!!

Krippe - vocals, guitar
Axel - keyboards
Paul - bass
Olli - drums
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