姓名Weepers Circus 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Weepers Circus is a French musical group founded in 1988 by Franck George and Eric Kaija Guerrier.

In October 1988 – in a secondary school in Strasbourg – Franck George and Eric K.Guerrier meet. So begins the musical adventure of the aforementioned Weepers Circus, "the circus of those who shed tears". They are quickly joined by Alexandre (Franck's brother) and Denis Leonhardt. All have an average age of 16.

From 1988 to 1995, high school and university life gradually draws in other musicians: some who stay and who still collaborate with them, while others take their own paths... There arises numerous small concerts in Strasbourg: museums, theatres, universities, churches, cafes, etc... In 1993 the Weepers Circus develop music for a documentary on the stained glass windows of St. Paul's church in Strasbourg ; participate in conceptualizing titles for french TV (Arte and France 3) ; compose the shows Requiem (1992) and Fables (1994). These works stand apart from a discography point of view, for the time being.

The years 1995 and 1996 see the publication of a debut single entitled Weepers Circus, comprising of three original titles. Participation follows in two collective records of regional acts.

The Weepers Circus really take off in 1997 with a first album Le Fou et La Balance ("The Madman and the Scales"), followed by their first national tour, which consists mostly of playing in the markets of Brittany and Berrychons!

In 1998 the group publish a second single entitled Je suis noble ("I am noble"). In 1999 there appears a second album, L'Epouvantail ("The Scarecrow"), from which a second tour is organised, which is much more intensive in terms of the number of dates.

In 2000, the group is signed with Philips/Universal and Universal Publishing. The result is a third album, L'Ombre et la Demoiselle ("The Shadow and the Young Lady"), in which there figures a duet with the group Bratsch. A third national tour is organised. At this point in time Caroline Loeb, the delectable singer of C'est la Ouate (in English the title was And so what) – who put on the play Shirley, the spectacles of Lio or Victor Lazlo - takes a liking to them (which is reciprocated), and decides to occupy herself with the image of our Weepers, going so far as to even dress them in clothes by Jean-Paul Gaultier!

In 2001, the publication of their third album "The Circus of those who weep" bring the group to their first experience of shooting a video! Nicolas Bonnefous is the director. An almightily statuesque fellow ! The video is aired about forty times on M6 and MCM (french TV) between February and May.

In February of the same year, the group is introduced to Richard Lornak, the brilliant and very friendly pianist of the radio program Le Fou du Roi on France Inter. The result: the Weepers Circus and Richard record together a cover of a song by Georges Brassens (unknown of at the time). They warmly welcomes him to join them on the stage of Café de la Dance (in Paris) for a memorable concert!

In March, the Weepers Circus welcome a new musician: Alexandre Bertrand (called "Goulec") on drums! United through friendship and music, the objective is to modify, renew and revamp their own compositions.

In May they meet Têtes Raides during the festival Paroles et Musiques of Saint-Etienne. A duet (covering a song by Brassens) is presented to the audience.

In July, on a record which is a collection effort in hommage of George Brassens called Les Oiseaux de Passage, the Weepers Circus cover Quatre-vingt quize pour cent ("Ninety-five percent"). The song is arranged in collaboration with Joseph Racaille (who work with Alain Bashung, Thomas Fersen, etc.).

The years 1997/2000 are thus a fabulous adventure. Around the records and the video, pretty ballads are born that the Weepers offer around the whole of France to an adorable audience, faithful and ever more numerous: an average of one hundred gigs per year since 1997. There are also many radio shows in which they participate (France Inter, FIP, France Info, France Culture, RTL, Europe 1, local radio stations etc.) as well as television shows (M6, France 2, France 3 national and regional, LCI, TV Breizh, cable TV, etc.)

In June 2002, the Weepers Circus make the acquaintance of the charming Olivia Ruiz'. The Lady contacts them and requests a song from them for her first solo album.

From September 2002 to February 2003, they record their fourth album Faites Entrer ("Make Enter"), for the most part in the magnificent alsatian chateau of Lichtenberg! Many are invited, in particular Serge Begout (Têtes Raides), on the trumpet, with whom the group live a real musical friendship. The sweet Olivia Ruiz is equally present on La Renarde ("The Vixen") and Je Vole ("I'm Flying"), as well as their great and dear friend Isabelle Lux who, for a third time, do them the honour to lend her voice on A poings fermés ("With closed Fists").

The album Faites Entrer is published the 22nd April 2003. The French tour of the group begins in October 2003.

In 2003 and 2004, on numerous occasions, Olivia Ruiz plays a lead role in the Weepers Circus and/or in duet (on stage and on France Inter). Olivia Ruiz' album J'aime pas l'amour ("I don't Like Love") is published the 7th September 2003: the Weepers Circus participate on the track, Petite Fable ("Small Fable").

In 2004, in Strasbourg, Serge Begout plays in duet with the Weepers Circus. Boris Plateau creates an animated video around the title Le bouffon et la contreverse ("The buffon and the Discusses”) (an extract of the simple Je suis noble, published in 1998).

The same year, the production and transmission of a documentary – by Didier Varrod and Godwin Djadja – devoted to Olivia Ruiz: Star activiste ("Activist star"). The top prize of the Académie Charles Cros. The Weepers Circus make an appearance in this film. In 2004, publication of the album Terrain Vague ("Waste ground") by the Ogres de Barback: the Weepers Circus participate in the track 3-0 along with a good number of other guests.

In 2005, the recording and publishing of the 5th album of the Weepers Circus: La Monstrueuse Parade ("The Monstrous Parade"), in hommage of Freaks 1932 by Tod Browning. Olivia Ruiz is once again invited to play on the track Sans vous aimer ("Without loving you").
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