姓名Rodrigo Alexey 别名暂无
国籍葡萄牙 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Rodrigo Alexey desbanca trio argentino e disputa com outros quatro finalistas o concurso promovido pela FIFA, que escolherá a trilha oficial do Mundial 2014,After going through the qualifying rounds and reach the semifinal stage of the competition which will choose one of the theme songs of the World Cup , the music producer Rodrigo Alexey , finally , had said Friday he hoped the news : the music he wrote , "All in one rhythm " ( All in one rhythm) , is among the five finalists of FIFA .
The composition - only Brazilian representative classified for the semifinal - competed with 19 other compositions from different parts of the world . The selection of finalists was made by popular vote on the internet . The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges appointed by Sony record label , responsible for competition .
- Too thank the people who voted . I was very happy with all the love I have received so far. We have to show all our strength so that the only Brazilian music in the dispute is chosen - commented the music producer .
Now Alexey awaiting the final result to see if the music composed by him will win the contest . If this happens - the result will be announced on the 6th of February - his song is interpreted by Latin superstar Rick Martin and will be part of the official track of the world .
- I would love the support of the Brazilian people at that time , whether by prayer or prayer - asked the composer .
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