姓名Landon Austin 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


美国田纳西州男歌手I'm a singer/songwriter based in Nashville. I also make Youtube videos. You should click the link :D
Nashville · youtube.com/landonaustin,On August 11th, 2007, when Landon Austin whimsically posted his cover tribute to Tay Zonday’s song “Chocolate Rain” on YouTube, just a few weeks before his freshman year of college, he had no idea of the journey that had just begun. This brief 49 second clip of Landon playing his guitar, singing enigmatic lyrics, such as “Smells a bit like oopie poopie / Coming down like chocolate rain,” was actually his first YouTube video, ever, and when he decided to shroud the scene in dark lighting, hide his face with a baseball hat, and title the video “John Mayer responds to Tay Zonday Chocolate Rain! Cover!!!” He had no idea that these lyrics would come true as he started a chocolate shit storm of all his own.
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