姓名Borja Jimenez 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Borja Jimenez has been the winner of the herd in a late has shown its good repertoire including two thirds of flags . He has an ear cut a steer Castillejo De Huebra in a very technical job and I get a lot to the stands . The eral always wanted Espartinas crack and was able to give job in which he excelled bullfighting natural, based commissioning always leave the crutch. A prick before a major thrust will deprive trophies. The second batch of L' Astarac , Tiago Santos fielded a first steer Madruga Cruz that gave him no other option and Baltasar Iban was rewarded perhaps for lack of jurisdiction, which was not easy. The Portuguese walked around the ring for the magnificent provision showed . Juan Cortes not coupled with Pablo Mayoral eral of little weight but a lot of class and nobility and could do little against the danger of Urcola who developed the right python. At the end of the herd Borja Jimenez took in the large basket all the prizes at stake: the winner


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