姓名Britta Persson 别名暂无
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生日 星座
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北欧的寒冷和棱角总是可以沥练出这样的声音,whiter tour,杂乱零碎的吉他像是britta persson随性的宣言,在你还没来得及被恼怒前,那感性如cat power夹杂着调皮和戏虐的声音就突然出现在你面前。 随着轻快的曲调,britta像是认真地咀嚼着每一个字,拖后的尾音,那些捉摸不定的延迟,让节奏变得生动有趣,一段流畅蜿蜒的“ah-ah”的吟唱,整首歌曲来到了高潮,却如断线风筝突然飘去的那一刻,声音暗藏的寓意,引人回味。其实不需要太多的语言,看看她专辑的封面就可以想象到那个张扬自由的女生,是如何随意摆弄着音符释放自己的魔力。 流畅亲近的曲调却总能被她带起些许怪味,如同教堂中被风吹开的《lolita》,格格不入却让人着迷的另类滋味。没有什么是完美的,Bellamy Straat Straat中的愤怒过于衡冲直撞,low or wine则是颓废后毫无顾忌的任性,但当你听到finger up中慵懒的自言自语般的低语,手风琴刺进空间的缝隙,逐渐被吸入,溶化,浸透意外的美丽,似乎一切又被拉回了原路,一步一步,走入britta persson的神秘音域。 Britta Persson's smart, engaging pop songs about the ups and downs of romance suggest that sometimes boys do make passes at girls who wear glasses, even if the results aren't always happy for everyone. Britta Persson was born in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1981 and started writing songs while she was a student at the University of Vaxjo, where she was studying science. When not busy working as a lab assistant, Persson would occasionally venture out to perform her songs on campus and at local clubs (she was somehow wrangled into playing a Love and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Awareness event, where tunes like "You Are Not My Boyfriend" and "Defrag My Heart" doubtless had a certain resonance), and in 2005 began writing the songs that would become her first LP, Top Quality Bones and a Little Terrorist. With the help of Swedish rocker Kristofer Åström, Persson went into a studio in 2006, and with Persson accompanied by Peter Hermansson (piano and accordion), Joanna Eriksson (violin), Mattias Friberg (bass), and Per Nordmark (percussion), the album was finished in a week. Released in the summer of 2006, Top Quality Bones and a Little Terrorist became a major critical success in Sweden and received similar buzz throughout Europe.
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