姓名Paula Nelson 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Paula Nelson was born on October 27th, 1969 in Houston TX. Born into a family of music and entertainment, she started playing piano and singing at the age of seven. She drew early influences from singers like Jesse Colter and Rita Coolidge, whose bluesy, supple vocal style provided one of Paula’s earliest templates as she found her own voice.

Texas Monthly has called that voice “torchy,” and the Los Angeles Times praised, “There’s no missing the unforced power of Paula’s singing.”

Paula and her band have been traveling the country and abroad for nearly 8 years. Although they reside in Austin, the band has found a loyal and growing following in Colorado, California and the East Coast. The band will continue to tour and find new markets in 2012. A new project is in the works this year, stay tuned..it's sure to be a favorite of 2012! The band is more comfortable in their collective "skin" than ever before.

"The chemistry between this band and I is magic both on stage and off. I consider them both my friends and my family. And feel truly blessed to be in the company of these amazing musicians" Paula Nelson
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