姓名Xavier Naidoo 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
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Xavier Naidoo - 德国灵歌之声 Xavier Naidoo 1971年出生于德国曼海姆,母亲是南非人、父亲有印度血统。上天赋予他一副对于德国歌手来说难得的灵歌嗓音。自从1998年专辑《不属于这个世界》出版后,媒体将他誉为德国灵歌新星。一份在德国音乐界无与伦比的事业就这样开始了。 如此辉煌的成就会不会把他变成另一个人?要找到答案只需走一趟曼海姆。在曼海姆人的眼里,灵歌巨星本色不改。自然、通情理、不自大。“曼海姆是我的家,我也愿意为它做事。我觉得给自己的家乡撑腰很重要”, Xavier Naidoo这样说。 在成功奠定独唱歌手地位的同时,他创立了“曼海姆之子”乐队,一支由在曼海姆生活、喜好音乐的朋友们组成的乐队。 Xavier Naidoo或许算的上固执,因为他的表现迥异于其他成名艺术家。但对他最贴切的描述是他对于自身价值观公开的充分实施、对宗教的看法、有时还有小男孩的可爱。一派骂他是“疯子”、另一派赞他是“魅力歌手”,不过两派都认定他是“金嗓子”。 唱片目录: 不属于这个世界(Nicht von dieser Welt)(1998) Live album(1999) 插曲/一切为了主(Zwischenspiel / Alles für den Herrn )(2002) Live album我们面前的一切美好事物(Alles Gute vor uns)(2003)by Jason AnkenyXavier Naidoo was the premier German R&B singer of his generation. Born October 2, 1971, in Mannheim, he spent the better part of adolescence performing in school glee clubs, church choirs, and amateur musicals, beginning his professional career singing advertising jingles. In 1993, Naidoo issued his debut LP, Seeing Is Believing, but it attracted scant attention and he spent the next three years out of the public eye. With 1997's "Freisein," a duet with singer Sabrina Setlur, Naidoo scored his first German Top 40 hit, and the subsequent success of "20,000 Meilen" and "Führ Mich ans Licht" ultimately propelled his 3P label debut, Nicht von Dieser Welt, to the top of the album charts. A concert LP dubbed Live hastily followed, and in 2000 Naidoo sidelined his solo career in favor of recording Zion, an album with the 14-member collective Söhne Mannheims. Their single "Geh' Davon Aus" reached the German pop countdown, and anticipation for his next solo release reached a fever pitch. The two-disc Zwischenspiel/Alles für den Herm did not disappoint, debuting at number one and generating three Top Five singles: "Wo Willst Du Hin?," "Bevor Du Gehst," and "Abschied Nehmen." In 2003, Naidoo collaborated with the Wu-Tang Clan's RZA on the chart-topping "Ich Kenne Nichts (Das So Schön Ist Wie Du)"; the 2005 full-length Telegramm für X restored him to the top of the charts, buoyed by the smash "Dieser Weg." Naidoo scored his first number one solo single in 2006 with "Danke," a tribute to the German World Cup squad.
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