姓名Xavier Rudd 别名暂无
国籍澳大利亚 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Xavier Rudd 是澳大利亚多有助音乐家弹吉他和 , Xavier (经常更比一次一个): Vocals, Weissenborn 幻灯片吉他, 6 把和12 把串音响电吉他, Didgeridoos 和重踏箱子, , 阿兹台克人鼓, 裂缝鼓, , , 滑班卓琵琶, 脚腕响铃. 他发布了三演播室册页和二个活集合被记录在加拿大。 他的第四册页 Solace 发布3月28 日在澳洲到达了名列前茅二十澳大利亚人 唱腔 册页图在2004 年4月。 他的最新的唱片"食物在腹部" 被发行了在澳洲2005 年10月。 事业 Xavier Rudd 长大 Torquay, 维多利亚, 在著名附近 地点 响铃海滩. Rudd 显示了一种强烈兴趣在音乐和学会演奏didgeridoo 由实践在a 水喉。 Xavier 认为他的妻子他的最好的朋友, 他遇见的加拿大人当她backpacking 在澳洲。 他运载他的儿子的袜子与他在游览中作为某事记住他。 他开发了强的名誉在演奏上尚在争论中的表现在音乐节日和音乐会在澳洲和然后在北美洲。 Xavier Rudd 记录了和发行了二块活唱片在加拿大- 住在加拿大 2001 年发布和 居住在栅格 2003 年。 Rudd 成为了装置在 根源音乐 节日包括 秋天节日 (2002 年, 2003 年& 2004), Woodford 伙计节日 (2003), 东海岸蓝色& 根音乐节 (2003 年& 2004), 墨尔本国际音乐节 (2004) 和 Womadelaide (2004) 。 他广泛地并且工作了在北美洲包括支持槽孔为 , 支持槽孔在 , 2 连贯岁月在CISCO 系统 渥太华Bluesfest 在渥太华、安大略, 和一个Moonshine 好处在 Laguna 海滩, 与 和 G 。 爱& 特别调味汁. 他的第一演播室册页 让 2002 年被发布了。 Solace 被发布了在澳洲在2004 年3月28 日和debuted 在名列前茅二十在澳大利亚册页图。 Solace 现在是可利用的在U 。S 。Like Jack Johnson, independent Australian musician Xavier Rudd combines a love of surfing with a love of roots music. Like Ben Harper, he plays Weissenborn lap steel guitars. Utterly unlike both of those musicians, however, he has a unique setup. Rudd is a one-man band who plays surrounded by instruments in a complicated array --- typically, he has three didgeridoos placed in front of him on a stand, a guitar on his lap, a stompbox by his habitually bare feet, and an assortment of drums, banjos, harmonicas, bells, and bass guitar near at hand, or near at foot as the case may be. He takes this setup with him on frequent tours (as well as his surfboards), relying on word of mouth rather than record labels to speak for him. His albums, several of them live recordings, are most often sold at these sold-out gigs.Rudd first learned the circular breathing technique required to play the didgeridoo by practicing on a vacuum cleaner hose. While growing up in Torquay and Bell's Beach in Victoria he also learned guitar, clarinet, and saxophone. He seemed destined to be a musician, but could never focus on just the one instrument, preferring to find ways to combine them together, such as by playing basslines on his guitar while simultaneously finger-picking on the lower strings. All these skills came together when he began busking and traveling.During his travels, Rudd discovered an affinity for Canada, where he has dual citizenship. His wife is also a Canadian he met while she was backpacking through Australia. The first document of his performances, Live in Canada, was recorded there in 2001 and helped spread the word. His first studio album, To Let, followed a year later.2003 saw another independently released document of his stage performances in Live at the Grid. His next studio album, 2004's Solace, tried to capture his live sound by eschewing guest artists; Rudd played all the instruments himself with only a few overdubs. Solace contained his cover of Bob Marley's "No Woman No Cry" and the single "Let Me Be," which he plays a popular extended version of at his concerts. The album, still independently released, was his first to be distributed by Universal, gaining a wider audience. It debuted in the Top 20 of the ARIA charts and attained platinum sales.Gaining more attention, he toured with Jack Johnson as well as G. Love & Special Sauce. Another live album, Good Spirit, was recorded at three of his Australian gigs and released in 2005. The same year brought the release of Food in the Belly, a studio album recorded in Vancouver, which saw guest artists including Beth Preston, Harry Manx, and the Vancouver Children's Choir brought in. This album also went platinum in Australia.Rudd is one of a growing number of environmentally concerned musicians dedicated to reducing the impact of his performances and tours. His touring in 2007 in support of his album White Moth was entirely carbon-neutral. The album itself, while continuing his blues and roots mix of folk, reggae, rock, and world music, reflects this in its themes, with songs about global warming and his guilt over the fact that he has a higher profile than many of the environmental activists he idolizes. He released the similarly themed Dark Shades of Blue the following year.
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